101 Ways to Elevate – #69 Secure WordPress

Number sixty-nine: Secure WordPress

Good day, I'm Troy Dean from Video User Manuals and Agency Mavericks, and this is the 101 Ways to Elevate Yourself and Demand Higher Fees: a practical guide for WordPress consultants to start attracting better quality clients, work on better, more interesting projects, and get paid better fees. Now, let's go elevate.

Number 69: Secure WordPress

Okay, a couple of quick tips. Never use admin as the admin user name. Use strong passwords. Please find a good password generation tool and use strong passwords. I use 1Password to store all of our passwords for ourselves and our clients. 1Password, it's made by agilebits.com. Or, you can just Google 1Password and you'll find it.

Don't use weak passwords, because as we all know WordPress sites do get hacked. WordPress is very popular, and with popularity comes targeting from hackers. WordPress sites have been known to be hacked quite frequently. So, make sure that your admin user name is not admin, and make sure that your passwords are secure.

Then, use a service like Securee, or you can use ManageWP. Or, if you use some premium hosting they might have some security built in. But, make sure WordPress is secure.

The number one reason you should do this is you do not want to get the phone call from your client whose website has been hacked. Believe me. I've been there. It's not fun. It's very difficult to charge a client to fix a website that was insecure because your development process was a bit slack. You pretty much can't charge for that. If their website's been hacked and you didn't handle some basic security, well it's kind of your fault.

So, handle security up front and tell your client what you're doing. Show them how their security works, and explain to them why their password is ridiculous. It has to be to keep the hackers out.

In the next video you'll learn a little trick about the Google index. Until then, go elevate.

Make sure you subscribe to the 101 Ways podcast in the iTunes store. Just search for 101 Ways to Elevate. Or, visit us at wp101ways.com and download the free 101 Ways e-book.

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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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